Staying active this winter INSPO!

Staying active this winter INSPO!

Brrr... winter is knocking at the door. In fact, as we write this, the snow is falling and blanketing our lawns. We must admit that right now all we want to do is stay in, with a hot chocolate in hand, and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Winter is that time of year when staying warm and comfy at home is at the top of the list for many of us... it's so tempting to just watch movies, eat comfort food, and simply relax.

Cozy by the Fireplace - Lazy Winter

Well, as tempting as that all sounds, and as much as our body needs rest, it's also important to stay active for good mental and physical health.

Did you know that specialists recommend a minimum of 150 mins./week of physical activity? Of course, you can accomplish this by breaking up this time into smaller chunks: 30 mins. a day for 5 days sounds SO much easier (it's all about what works the best for you).

But what's there to do with less daylight, colder temperatures, and slippery sidewalks -- it can often feel like our options are limited.

So, we asked some of our team how they plan on staying healthy with the assistance of physical activity this winter. Here are few of their fav tips to encourage your overall good health and well-being:

  • Check the weather forecast, plan ahead, and go for a nature walk. Getting out in nature can increase your energy levels and improve mental health as well. The mountains, lake, ocean, your neighborhood park.... really, any place will do!
  • Find a fun outdoor activity to participate in, should the weather and your physical condition allow it. One hour of skating, for instance, can offer a little nostalgic joy and improve your physical endurance.
  • If you aren't able to participate in more strenuous outdoor activities, joining some family or friends for a walk in an indoor location such as a mall works too. This is an easy way to stay active and socialize. Mental and physical health WIN!

Ice Hockey - Winter Sport Fun

  • This year, one member of our team decided to create a home gym in her basement and practice yoga every weekend. She has also been using our MAXhealth fitness plate, 10 mins./day, to improve her blood circulation and to start her training each day off right - inspiring!
  • Another convenient way to accomplish a small workout is by climbing stairs. Either at home or in the workplace, as little as five minutes at a time climbing up and down stairs can work wonders.
  • Indoor swimming can also be an excellent option! Water aerobics, or even just walking or running laps in the pool, is a great way to stay active.

REMINDER: don't forget to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water throughout the day, not just while exercising. Your body will thank you.

At the end of the day, it can be hard to stay motivated when the wind is howling and/or the snow is blowing; but, let's not give up and all stay active together! We encourage you to enjoy this winter, its beauty, and stay on track with your health goals 😊.

Before starting any physical activity program, be sure to talk to your doctor or other healthcare professional. 



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