GREAT Success with TurmeriX™!

GREAT Success with TurmeriX™!

Kevin's Story

Passionate about the sport is an understatement for our accounting team member Kevin. He has now been climbing for over 7 years!

After about 4 years of recreational climbing, Kevin got really involved with sport and started to climb more -- putting a lot of effort into his climbing and training. And if you are an active climber, you may be able to relate to some of the physical challenges Kevin has unfortunately encountered as he increased his efforts.

Because of the high strain that climbing puts on tendons, he started to develop a condition that climbers call "climber's elbow’ (most know this as golfer's or tennis elbow). Basically Kevin was developing a tendinitis condition in his elbow.

This condition continuously grew more painful, resulting in only being able to climb for short periods of time along with having to take 2-3 days off to heal.

Kevin went to a physiotherapist who gave him exercises to help the condition. Although they did help, they never fully alleviated or cured the condition.

Kevin then learned about the healing properties of TurmeriX™ through our office and how it could potentially help his condition. Curious, he decided to try the product. After a few days to a week of taking TurmeriX™once daily, he noticed that the pain started to subside and that he could once again climb for longer periods!

With such great results, he has continued to take TurmeriX™ for a few months now and hasn't had any elbow pain, even with a heavy 6 days per week training schedule! TurmeriX™ has enabled Kevin to perform at his very best -- in the gym and at the crags (outdoor cliff-like climbing area).

He couldn’t be more happy with taking TurmeriX™ and recommends it to everyone he hears that is suffering from tendinitis or other chronic pain.

Keep up your amazing efforts Kevin!

***Adapted from Ocean Sales Group Ltd.
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